- population 14 550
- civil rights since 1283

Lubsko belongs to the group of the oldest towns in its region. It’s located about 30 km from the border with Germany. The east side is covered with parks with the Lubsza River.
One of the biggest virtues of Lubsko is its historic architecture and streets. Some of the buildings are over 300 years old, so the town square seems to be interesting place for the fans of classic architecture.
Fortunately, Lubsko didn’t suffer from the wars, so its historical character has remained untouched. The renaissance town hall is one of the most characteristic buildings. It was decorated with Flower Towers in 2012. To create a coherent decoration, the town square was also decorated with colourful constructions.
At first, the town looked bleak and grey. In effect, it wasn’t so beautiful.

Similarly to other Polish towns and cities, the central part of Lubsko is covered with the cobblestone. This solution facilitates the communication but limits the amount of greenery. The lack of natural ground made the town square and the town hall without floral decorations. In result, the area looked grey, unattractive and it was lacking in flowers.
The proper arrangement of the entrance is important due to its opinion among people – the closest surrounding of the town hall seemed not to be aesthetic and representative.
The greyness of the town square in Lubsko has been solved thanks to Tower Flowers. The small streets leading to the centre have been decorated. The models H1200 ½ have created a floral gate to the entrance of the town hall.
Flower Towers have enlivened the centre of Lubsko by providing flowers into it. The town square has become an attractive, full of nature place of meetings for the citizens of Lubsko.